Monday, January 22, 2007

It's a big day today

Today is a big day..Why?






Come come faster wish me a Happy Birthday!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Mummy woofs me!
Thats all! =D

Thursday, January 4, 2007


Happy 2007 to all fellow doggies out there, and ofcourse, not forgetting humans, and other animal! ^.^
Last night Mummy finally decided to buy me my long awaited food, Cesar! The lazy her also decided to stock it up so she doesn't have to walk all the way to the petshop -.-
So, here they are!

Beef & Vege flavour..Daddy only took one, because this is not my favourite flavour
Although beef is not somethign I would choose, but these Gourmet range are harder to find, in Supermarket/Hypermarket anyways, so Daddy took 4 of these
And Finally!! My favourite, LAMB
And the other range of lamb!
Put them all together, and you get...
Mmmm..Yummy yummy!!
Slurp Slurp
*GaSP* Where has the food gone!? It's empty!!!
Oh it's in my bowl...
Mix mix mix
Must not show Mummy I want food!
But cannot tahan edi!
Why is she mixing it for so long!?
Oh YeaA! Feels good! MmMMmmm

So while I continue eating, HAVE A GREAT 2007 PEOPLE ^.^